Schooling in Gaza Tents
Before AMURTEL intervention
Children and teachers had nothing in GAZA, even if the children wanted to learn and some teachers where there having the willingness and passion to gather the children together and teach them, in tents or in any available safe space for kids.
Schooling in Gaza Tents
After AMURTEL intervention
A people without education becomes a broken people easily controlled and exploited. We must not let that happen. We must ensure each and every child has access to knowledge and well rounded education, body, mind and spirit.
Al Mawasi School in Gaza, just started. Teacher Marvat
3 educational activities were also started in Gaza itself, with the help of two Palestinian teachers still living in Gaza.
This are some of the conditions children live in Gaza with very little, almost nothing, living in tents, on the sand.
With our intervention we could create 3 educational programs that gather children together, enabling to continue learning, expresso some joy, having the feeling that someone is caring for them, their lives and their wellbeing.
These Educational Programs in Gaza are fully founded and sponsored by AMURTEL donations and benefactors.
Queste sono alcune delle condizioni in cui vivono i bambini di Gaza: hanno pochissimo, quasi niente, vivono in tende, sulla sabbia
Sono state avviate anche 3 attività educative nella stessa Gaza, con l’aiuto di due insegnanti palestinesi che vivono ancora a Gaza.
Queste sono alcune delle condizioni in cui vivono i bambini a Gaza con molto poco, quasi niente, vivendo in tende, sulla sabbia.
Con il nostro intervento abbiamo potuto creare 3 programmi educativi che riuniscono i bambini, consentendo loro di continuare a imparare, esprimere un po’ di gioia, avere la sensazione che qualcuno si prenda cura di loro, delle loro vite e del loro benessere.
Questi programmi educativi a Gaza sono interamente sovvenzionati e sponsorizzati da donazioni e benefattori AMURTEL.