Women: the future of a true human society lies in your hands.
There is story in the Nagasaki Museum in Japan, represented by a large painting. Its the story of the woman that after the explosion of the first Atomic Bomb, after the vast unimaginable destruction caused by it, the bewilderment, shock, and the after math effect of death toll trauma that lasted for few generations afterwords, realising that she did not die, and was still alive, she got up, took a broom in her hand and just started to sweep off the mess all around her house, to start life gain!
We see this role of women repeated again and again in the most daring circumstances.
Now are the women of Gaza teaching all of us incredible wisdom, strength, resilience, faith, love and devotion. They are teachers of humanity, hitting hard the lack of conscience in the vast majority of people, helplessly allowing the genocide of a whole population to happen in front of the eyes of the world, with no reason except the blind fight of dogmas that misguide and blackens the hearts of being truly human.
In the middle of rubbles, in the most daring circumstances, living in tents and refugees camps with cold winds, rains, floods, or scorching heat, lack of food and water, reaching levels of almost mass starvation, these women are fighting an incredible daily battle of survival for themselves, their children and families.
With monitoring spy drones flying constantly over their heads, still after a year of being amidst the sound of bombing and the unbearable pain of daily massacres, they are teaching in the tents of our Amurtel schools to hundreds if not thousands of children, finding the strength to carry on life at all costs, nurturing, maintaining, and educating the children.
Thanks to all women, mothers, sisters, teachers, and friends, who bravely struggle amidst the extremes of life, war, and deprivation still finding that impeccable love and inner strength to bring up the next generations… even in makeshift tents and bombed out buildings. You are our heroes!
This is the amazing sacred role bestowed upon women by the Supreme: to give life, to nurture, and to maintain life against all odds, endowed with unbreakable resilience, that comes from the deepest form of love, that fully embraces the sacred universal duty of being, as women and mothers, the teachers of humanity!
This is the dignified role of womanhood, that teaches the whole of humanity the supreme goodness, the supreme benevolence, standing firm on the innate innermost intuitional qualities of selfless love, the capacity of giving with no or little return, the innate ability to sacrifice, feeling the call of a sacred duty that innately is imparting the deepest moral values to all, and the goodness ensconced in the human heart.
This noble womanhood has since ever created and nurtured one generation after another, teaching and transmitting the secret values of the family, in every religion and culture, being at the heart of the family.
But now a new challenge is facing us all, as women at this historical moment.
The challenge of Universality.
It is the challenge of bringing that love that so deeply nurtured human families for time immemorial, to step it up, to elevate it to nurture, maintain and educate the human family as a whole, the human family as a Universal Family.
That deep love that we cherish for each other as human, needs to be not only cultivated but also expanded to each and every being, animate and inanimate in this whole cosmos. It is the transformation of humanism into Neo-Humanism. The practice of love extended to all things in the universe, the practice of unconditional love for all.
Love equal Oneness. In Neo Humanism, Infinite Love is All There Is!
Shrii P. R. Sarkar, the founder of Neo Humanism, teaches us a complete purification of the human heart, mind and intellect, from every projection that is not love and encourages us to go beyond all limited or limiting sentiments.
We are called to eliminate all projections of non-love and proclaims the cult of infinite and unlimited love.
All our own mothers and wise women that came before us, are calling us, modern women, to elevate, to transform, to expand our hearts and mind, and truly realise ourselves fully, through our example, strength, and ideological determination as well as a strong personal commitment to inner spiritual growth.
We are now called to manifest, through the vibration of our own living energy, that unbounded love for the whole Universal Human Family.
To realise this, first of all our intellect needs to be guided by supreme benevolence. The degeneration of the intellect is very dangerous and humanity must be saved at all costs from this degeneration.
God cannot favour one country, nation or religion over another. We need to reject all dogmas created by men and their Scriptures, to satisfy social or political favouritism, and hidden interests.
Favouring a particular community and not all humanity is DOGMA.
For anyone with an awakened consciousness and a rational mind, it is a duty to fight against exploitation, oppression and human slavery, against geo-sentiments, socio-sentiments and pseudo-humanistic sentiments. The Supreme wants the progress and emancipation of all and especially of those who are most oppressed or subjugated.
Human rights are for everyone. Liberation from being subjugated is a natural desire in humanity, because everyone, every person, has the natural right to enjoy this universe, to progress materially and even mentally. Every person, man, woman or child, regardless of their race or religion, must have the full expression of their abilities, talents and aspirations and there must be social, economic and political liberation of everyone who is subjugated.
This is exactly where spiritual practices become so important, because they teach us exactly how our biology is connected to universal divine laws, it is connected to the divinity within us, our biology is the mechanics of our souls. And more and more in this society we give neither time nor space to our inner spiritual life.
Here is were the role of women becomes paramount.
Women need to rise and take full leadership in nurturing, teaching and directing the whole human society to cultivating love, unbounded love and devotion. We need to learn to taking responsibility and doing beneficial actions, establishing ourself and the whole society in the discipline of conduct rules, Yamas and Nyamas. We need cultivating the habit of rectifying oneself, and admitting one’s own mistakes, instead of seeing only the mistakes of others. We need to cultivating the intuitive spiritual faculties of humanity, and develop it fully through mind expansion, flowing in the rhythm of the Divine Love, and doing Service to all!